

Please read this testimonial from Ricardo Rid from Chile. Ricardo Rid was once working with Chile Laboratories, having a good-paid job but God has call him to left his job and serve The Lord. During his farewell dinner, about 2000 participants attended the dinner which shows that he have an important position in the company. Again, please read his testimonials " 8 hours in Heaven; An urgent Messages For Today's Church.

in Indonesia languages :www.insightsofgod.com/downloads/Ricardo_Cid_Indonesia.pdf

For English :http://spiritlessons.com/documents/Ricardo_Cid/Ricardo_Cid_8_Horas_en_el_Cielo_English.htm

For those who believe, please use this little time given by The Lord to get more intimate with HIM. Its is better for us to BELIEVE that Jesus was alive and HE want us to be saved! Because when the time really come, we was ready. It cost nothing but to believe and follow HIS words....

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