

New year just in the corner. Feels like a year passed by a blinking of eyes. A lots of thing happen within this blessed year...happy, sad, joy. My baby, he can walks by himself by now. He can understand certain words we say, he was the biggest blessing for me and my hubby's life.

I admit, i was exhausted by working, studying and taking care of my family at the same time..but, through all of that i know and i understand....actually i have a complete life..what more can i ask from God?I have a cute charming son, i have a kind husband, i have great job and i upgrade myself by studying. Such a grace from God.




Its feel like 1 year or what i didn't up date my blog..hows everyone?. I have no idea of what i'm going to write now. Perhaps a bit of update news of what is happening around me.

1. My baby has turn 1 year on 5th October. Now, he can walks 6-7 steps..i'm waiting for the latest progress today. He like to plays with empty coca-cola bottles..can somebody tell me, is that alright? He like to see insects and very kind with animals..i hope so. This morning, he was so happy when he saw a frog in front of our house.

2. Raining almost everyday in Tanjungpinang. Tapi yang ngelu pala..selalu gak black-out..i just don't understand in the year of millennium..agik black-out ..

3. Theology- really give headache but make my knowledges richer.

4. Stitch- remember on my previous post, i write about my new hobby, i almost done with one big project..Name of the Lord.."Panggilan-panggilan nama Yesus".

5. Errrr...my work was loaded



New chapter in my book of life. Its been a long time i let my blog not update..sory wai. hehe..new news for now is i'm doing my first Degree in Theology..what a tough but really interesting field to go into. Make me fall deeper in love to our great Lord. Well, pray for me that i have strength to finish my study...well, why i choose Theology? Because i love this field and i hope with what i get will blessed other and bring they more into love with Lord.



Happy National Day to all my Malaysian friends. Lord bless our loving land with His grace...Malaysia merdeka dalam ekonomi, merdeka dalam perpaduan kaum, merdeka dalam pembangunan dan merdeka dari penjajah. I love Malaysia...tanah tumpah darahku..wei, so emosional but i really appreciate my country.



On the 9th, last July, we were celebrating "an evening with Yayasan Pintu Gerbang Kasih". It was a simple ceremony and the main purpose was to give an appreciation to all the student that is under our "scholarship program". And it was my first time to manage this kind of ceremony but it is a honor to me. Truly, all the while when i was thinking of the program for the day, it was tiring. But at the moment i saw those students went to the stage to get their reward i feel very satisfy. The scholarship maybe not much but i believe it help the students a bit. It is true when people said " We will feel more satisfy in giving hand for someone in-need rather than getting richer"...what do you think?

At the right-end is the big boss.


Every morning, he wake up at about 6.15 a.m, and thing he loves most was...BATH

During sunday service at church.



Pengeboman terbaru yang terjadi di Jakarta memang mengegarkan seluruh Indonesia. Pemgeboman ini yang terjadi serentak di 2 hotel 5 bintang itu membuahkan berbagai rasa di semua golongan rakyat Indonesia. Termasuk aku yang tinggal udah hampir 2 tahun di Indonesia. I am pure Malaysian and i love Malaysia...and i love Indonesia too. AKu juga merasakan betapa hancur hati rakyat Indonesia melihat kejadian ini...di tengah-tengah kebahagian menyambut team MU yang bakal beraksi di gelanggang Bung Karno. My heart was broke when i saw Mr. President talk to the media this morning, i can feel his sadness and disappointments. Indonesia udah mau melangkah setapak demi setapak menuju kemajuan setara dengan negara yang membangun lainnya.

Tapi pertanyaannya..kok ada orang kayak gini yang suka akan kehancuran. What was in their mind?

The truth is..dunia ini nggak akan semakin membaik. Hari-hari semakin sulit, semakin pintarnya manusia, semakin hancurnya bumi. Orang udah lupa akan Tuhan, udah lupa akan kemanusiaan. Well...bagi kita yang mengerti..yuk! kita cuba lakukan yang lebih baik setiap hari, lakukan yang benar pada zaman kita. Untuk bangsa kita, untuk anak-anak kita, supaya satu hari nanti...generasi kita tidak nggak akan menyalahkan kita yang hidup pada hari ini. Lastly..Takut akan Tuhan itu adalah permulaan dari kegala kepintaran. God Bless.



Remember that i blog about my new hobby last time..currently, i finished 4 cross stitch and 1 are still going on. This is one of my finished project.


Elijah was 8 ++ months by now and he can do lots. He can play hide and seek...but he only know to seek, he don't know how to hide. He has 4 teethes and really like to play with an orange, maybe because he like the bright colour. Well, enjoy the pictures...

Playing hide and seek...



Lets try my Indonesian language. Rasanya semua udah tau critanya si cantik Manohara. She young, beautiful, very gentle and kind. Banyak temen2 disini yang nanya gimana reaksiku sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang tinggal di Indonesia terhadap kasus-kasus kayak gini, yang melibatkan dua negara. Nggak tau ya kalu di Malaysia berita Manohara ini gmana, kalu di Indonesia sendiri, you can hear about her almost everyday in every local TV station.

Kalau menurut aku, satu sisi aku sih kagum dengan Manohara, she pretty, young dan cara dia ngomong itu santun sekali orangnya. Untuk memberi komentar soal dia dianiaya oleh suaminya, Tengku Temenggong Kelantan,Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra , aku sih peribadi nggak bisa nebak siapa yang benar dan salah. Yang pasti, di atas manusia itu ada Tuhan. Dan ada undang-undang yang bisa membantu memperjuangkan hak-hak kita andainya kita teraniaya. As a Malaysian, aku nggak support Tengku kalu emank dia bersalah, tapi aku juga nggak support Manohara kerna setiap apa yang Mano perkatakan harus ada buktinya. Nggak ada manusia di dunia ini layak mendapat penganiyaan. Dan kita punya hukum yang bisa kita percaya. Biarlah hukum itu bergerak, segala sesuatu pasti ada waktunya toh. Yang kesalnya, kadang-kadang kes kayak gini bikin orang tuh jadi obsesi, sampe anti negara itu dan negara ini...sebenarnya nggak perlu kayak gitu. Setiap hal itu ada pro dan kontranya..secara peribadi aku jadi sedih waktu ngeliat ada berita TKI (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia) yang di siksa ama majikan di Malaysia, ya sadis lah, kok ada orang yang nggak punya kemanusiaan, geram juga sih sebagai rakyat Malaysia kepada rakyat Malaysia yang perilakunya begitu, tapi di satu sisi, aku sedih juga bila dengar dan liat berita soal ada rakyat Indonesia yang melakukan jenayah di Malaysia, suatu waktu dulu ada kejadian Ibu rumah tangga yang dibunuh oleh TKI di Kuala Lumpur.

Nah! begitu juga soal Manohara ini. Dalam hati sih sedih kerna baca komentar-komentar dari Indonesian dan Malaysian, ada yang berantem, ada yang saling tuduh bangsa yang mana nggak bagus, actually kita nggak perlu kayak gitu, Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapore itu masih satu rumpun, di bilang Malaysia ini nggak bagus, toh masih ada rakyat Indonesia yang bekerja cari nafkah dan hidupnya baik-baik aja di Malaysia, dibilang Indonesia nggak bagus, rame juga Malaysian yang tinggal di Indonesia dan hidupnya baik-baik juga. Well it all about how we handle our opinion, nggak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini di mata manusia, itupun oleh kerna hasil tangan manusia juga. Dunia ini gedik dan luas sekali, di luar sana ada banyak lagi bahasa, budaya, dan bangsa. Kalu punya peluang, jelajahlah ke luar dari negara kita sendiri, bergaulah dengan bangsa-bangsa yang berbeda dari bangsa kita, pasti persepsi kita terhadap satu-satu bangsa berubah, begitu juga cara kita menilai. Satu hal lagi, cara kita menilai apa yang kita dengar dan lihat dari media itu sangat penting kerna media itu besar pengaruhnya. Manusia itu mudah terpicu emosi, kalu yang didengarnya buruk dan jelek terus, maka buruklah kejadiannya biarpun dia nggak ada ditempat kejadiannya, cuma nebak-nebak dan emosi doank.

Aku percaya sekali kuasa hukum itu pasti bisa berjalan dengan benar, baik Manohara ataupun Tengku, sebagai orang yang hanya mendengar, melihat dan menbaca berita, aku tetap ikut perkembangan kes mereka, cuma dalam hati tetap berdoa, biarlah terungkap kebenarannya. Kalu bener Manohara teraniaya, biarlah dia dibela selayaknya. Yang tau kebenarannya hanya Tengku , Manohara dan Tuhan. Dan manusia pada akhirnya diadili oleh Tuhan sendiri menurut perlakuannya selama dia hidup. Well..itu aja deh.



I have no idea of what story should i write for my new post. Being very busy lately..so, for a very quick update...i just upload this photo..i will be back with a story..



For dear dayaks reader...SELAMAT GAWAI..GAYU GURU GERAI NYAMAI..LANTANG SENANG NGUAN MENUA..i hope i spelled it correctly..gosh! i really miss "manuk pansuh". Miss "kek semut"..i miss BBQ pork...wahhhhh!!!!! i can't imagine my family and friends in Sarawak doing visiting, i don't want to imagine those foods...while i'm sitting here in front of my 2 computer..



I'm am somebody because of the Lord....

Laugh and cry
Live and die
Life is a dream we are dreaming

Day by day
I find my way
Look for the soul and the meaning

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

People run
Sun to sun
Caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun
Life goes till it's gone
We have to go where it's going

And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
Though lost I have been
I find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running
You look at me and life comes



I received an email from my best friend with nice photos attached. She is not a professional photographer but she like to take photos, take a look and enjoy her photos.

Mount Santubong from the highest peak.

Kuching at evening



Oh my..i forgot something!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO EVERY MOTHER, TO MOTHER-TO-BE, FUTURE MOTHER AND TO MY MOM..Wish my mother can reduce her workaholic and spend some time to travel around..Love to mom. Happy mother's day to mit & Tina also.. God bless u all abundantly..shower your life with His grace and love.



yes!! my new hobby was doing a stitching. I find it was interesting to do. Especially when i get my cross stitch done. Yeah!!! feel so happy, currently i finished two simple project, will upload my stitch here later. Well anyway, stitching really require my patient which is hard to train myself into it. After all, i am a working mother. Again, for all the stitcher out there, i'm a new fellow in the club.



Nothing much happen this week, instead of having new hobby, recently i went to Christian Bookstore to found some books to read. Currently i read "Semua Adalah Anugerah"..written by Charles Spurgeon and translated to Indonesian. Oh ya! about my new hobby...wait for my next post..well till next post..God Bless All!



My sweet boy turn 6 months, 2 weeks and 1 day today. Here are some latest photo of him and us..

Daily lesson...learn to crawl and sit

When he get tired of crawling...watching TV

Happy face..


Picnic time..



Hello everyone! miss my blog so much and miss all blogs that i read every morning. Today i started my routine life. My home trip was amazing, i meet my friends, family and even my grandmother. Miss Kuching again...here some of photos taken.

When i reach home....OMG...this flower bloom so beautifully, i planted it 2 years ago...

My spiritual family...at Mr & Mrs Dominic's house

E.j with grandpa, grandma & cousin

E.j with my brother, sister & mum

Kolo mee..is the must

Kueh chap..also a must



Parents of baby who starved refuse autopsy

MIRI: The parents of a baby boy who starved to death have refused to allow a post-mortem to be carried out.

They claimed the body from the Miri Hospital’s mortuary yesterday, after an initial police probe determined that the baby did not die of any physical abuse and there was no criminal intent on the couple’s part.

However, Miri police chief Asst Comm Jamaluddin Ibrahim said police were keeping the investigation file open.

“We have not decided whether to press charges against the couple,” ACP Jamaluddin said.

The baby boy, who was less than a month old, starved to death after the couple forgot to feed him, following a drinking spree over a few days. The incident was uncovered by the hospital on Thursday after the baby died in the intensive care unit.

Source: http://thestar.com.my

* $@)*%%##!&^%%&@^@%^&!!!!!!!! (sorry, but i feel so angry)



Have you ever feel that at one time you have no faith....
you feel so so lonely that you want to cry out loud...
you feel that everything that you do to make your life better become wasteless..
you feel like you want to giving up in what you do now....
you feel that everyone in your life is not there.....
you feel that you really need a shoulder to cry......
you feel that you want to be nice to everyone but you just can't.......
you feel that you want to turn back time.....
you feel that you need ONE MORE CHANCE so you can become a better person........but you don't......

JUST TURN YOU HAND UP to THE LORD....He will give you a CHANCE even if you fail...He will still give you chance..


when you CRY, Jesus want to cry with you...
but He can't because you keep your tears yourself

when you ALONE, Jesus want to be with you...
but He can't because you can't see His presence

when you need a friend..somebody, Jesus want to be that SOMEBODY to you...
but He can't because you don't know Him

when you want to give up, Jesus want to lift you up...
but He can't because you can't see His Hand

when you have no faith, Jesus want to strengthen you...
but He can't, because you close your heart to Him





  • We cannot choose how may years we will live, but we can choose how much life those years will have
  • We cannot control the beauty of our face, but we can control the expression on it
  • We cannot control life’s difficult moments, but we can choose to make life less difficult
  • We cannot control the negative atmosphere of the world, but we can control the atmosphere of our minds
  • Too often, we try to choose to control things we cannot.
  • Too seldom, we choose to control what we can…..our character and attitude

A Very Faithful Woman

An elderly lady was well-known for her faith and for her boldness in talking about it. She would stand on her front porch and shout "PRAISE THE LORD!"

Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, "There ain't no Lord!!"

Hard times set in on the elderly lady, and she prayed for GOD to send her some assistance. She stood on her porch and shouted "PRAISE THE LORD. GOD I NEED FOOD!! I AM HAVING A HARD TIME. PLEASE LORD, SEND ME SOME GROCERIES!!"

The next morning the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, "PRAISE THE LORD."

The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Aha! I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries, God didn't."

The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and said, "PRAISE THE LORD. He not only sent me groceries, but He made the devil pay for them. Praise the Lord!"



My baby are 5 months now and he was so so so cute....if he can talks he might complain that he is tired of me kissing him. The way he learn things surround him amazed me a lot. Now, he was about to learn to sit down. I can't wait to see what he has learn each day...here are some latest photo of my boy..

Before go to sleep...play with daddy


Kiss mummy first...

I'm sleepy now

I want to sleep now...no more camera please!!!

Oh ho! Meet Shota..my best friend's new born son..so cute isn't it!