I have been listening to song by Faizal Tahir "Cuba" over and over again. I just love the music..and i watch his performance at Anugerah Juara Lagu in Youtube, Faizal did the performance very well. Listening to "Cuba" remind me to the old memory when alternative rock kinda music was my favorite. I'm a big fan of Silverchair, i love Blur, Smashing Pumpkin, Oasis and i am also a big fan of OAG..but the old OAG before they split..ah! not forgetting..Butterfinger and Nice Stupid Playground. I still have my CD and cassette (last time only can afford to buy cassette..student mah!) collection for all this group.
It make me laugh when i remembered that last time i always spend my time to watch gig which held around Kuching. And also one thing i remember most..i love comic! i love Dragon Ball and my collection of Dragon Ball's comic was from chapter one until the end. If you ask me about the story of Son Goku and his friend..100% i can answer. Hahaha..now i'm a mother and hopefully i won't tell the story of Son Goku as the bedtime story.
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