
This will be my second year celebrating Christmas in Indonesia. Well, miss home very much. We did a very simple preparation for Christmas, on eve, i was thinking to do some cooking and invite some friend that was like us, far away from home. I miss to see the Christmas decoration along the road side..because we have none here at Tanjung Pinang, i just don't understand. Today, me and two of my love life are moving to our new house. Our stuffs are still messy at home. Huh! Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! To friends and all that always spend their time to come and visit my blog..wherever you are..HAVE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS..
Last week i went to our friend's saloon to get my hair cut. I want a simple and easy to manage style. My friend ask, "which type you want?"..and i answered, "up to you lah, as long as it suite to me..and she do her job, when it done...it looks like this....

We were from the same technical school, S.M Teknik Matang in 1996-1997. During that time we were not so close, she was in Civil Engineering course while i was in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. What i remember most about her was, She was one of the best runner at school...see her leg mah! very the panjang! I never saw her again for quite a long time..i think almost about 9 years. We meet again when i changed to new job. She was my colleague at Multi Resources. Once we became a good friend..i really like her. Her outside personality shows that she was stubborn and tough. But once you know her, she was really kind and very soft at heart, she will not show that she was sad, very diam-diam type and she is very royal . Not only she is pretty but her heart also does. I was very happy to be her friend..i miss having lunch with her and gossiping. Hahaha! My prayer will always be with her...for her dream may come true. May our friendship last forever! FRIEND FOREVER!
I know him for almost 11 years. He was my ex-lecturer at college. For me, he was the best lecturer ever. He always want his student to gain the best mark and he will teach us until we fully understand. During college time, i was not really close to him but after he went to Japan to further his study, we began to emailed each other to share experiences and knowledge...our friendship start from there until this day. He was a very good and close friend to me. It was true when people said that, when you were with someone at the most weak and the most happy moment, your friendship will stand tough! What i remembered the most about him was, last time during college when we talk to him..he seem to be lost..hahaha. (Maybe he think so much). He was a very good buddy, really nice guy, very confident with his ambition, parental type and very happy but malu-malu person. I was very happy that he reach his dream now..go on and enjoy your happy life! The Lord will always be with you and your wonderful family. His love will surround you forever.
Ms. Angela Romia Jerome
I don't have her photo with me now..all left at Kuching. She was my very best friend since form 4, it was in 1996 until today. She was like a sister to me. We go through happy and sad moment. I cannot write much about her because there was so much to tell. All i can say was, wherever i go, she will always be my friend. Oh ya! most people scared of her..hehehe..she was very open minded, she talk her mind and speak the truth. Thats what i like about her.

How we meet was a long story. She was my ex-boss now become my sister-like-friend..she more like a sister to me. Sometimes, i forgot that we actually don't have family connection. When people ask about her, who she was, i will answer that she was my cousin, not a friend. She teach me a lots about life, since i was a single lady until now, i become a mother..she never stop to teach me. I agree when sometimes a friend was closer than a family member. What i really like about her was how she live her life with full of confident, she was gorgeous, look at her pictures..she was 30+ years old, she have 5 sons, the eldest was 15 years old and younger was 1+ years. She is very "rajin macam semut", very friendly and funny. One thing that is special about her was, she was very kind at heart, trust me, people can be close with her in a day. I always thank God that Christina was my friend, i never realize that i don't have older sister in my real family because i have her.

For He is my strength....my hope.....my Lord
For He is my strength....my hope.....my Lord

At hospital.....
What a sad day..my little boy was having a diarrhea and he was so weak. He was admit to hospital on 12th December and i was with him at all time. I cried when nurse inject him at feet for water infuse. His feet was so tiny for the needle. My God! if only i can change his pain to mine. One thing i adore my little boy so much, he was so strong until no one know that he was in pain. He don't cry much. Thanks God, after the third day, the doctor said that he can go home! E.j..mummy love you so much!
I usually start my day with breakfast, before get all my job done, i will grab some cookies and choose my drink according to my mood. This morning, i pamper myself with chamomile tea. I recommend this tea to you...Mark & Spencer Herbal Tea (camomile). It taste great and blend with nice aroma. Nice tea!
"Each man should examine his own conduct for himself; then he can measure his achievement by comparing himself with himself and not with anyone else. For everyone has his own proper burden to bear" (Gal 6:4-5)

After giving birth..huh! i have to work hard to get a shape. Time to dig out my closet looking for my favorite outfits for my motivation. I love my life now, my little boy was cute and funny, last three week he was 5.2 kg weight and 59cm long. He grow so fast and now he can smile and talk to us with his language. Love God for His grace and wonderful gift.
Shallom everyone! Huh...miss internet so much! miss my blog! hope everyone is fine. I'll be back with new news and story. God Bless you all!
Ditu aku upload some pictures maya di KL last two weeks. Bisi bad eperience aku di KL. Enti aku ingat ke nya, sinu gak atiku. Kami and team diau ba Corus Hotel, sema KLCC, as i said in my last blog, about 5 minutes walking from Corus Hotel. Bad experience aku di KL ialah maya ngena public tranport. Hari kedua kami di KL, aku n hubby bisi ngena bas, ari Jalan Hang Lekiu sampai Corus Hotel, enda jauh, 10 minit ajak. Udah lama enda ngena bas jalai-jalai ngambi angin, kan bulan puasa, jadi urang agak kurang. Maya nya nyau ka ringat gak aku, driver bas mai bas nya nyau baka urang ke mai bini iya ka branak ke spital. Udahlah laju, suka-suka iya ajak belok n motong kin kitu, udahlah aku mai perut besai, maya iya belok asai ka tanggal perut aku,. Alamak! geramnyerr..
But i keep in my heart aja. Lord, forgive him! Lemai ari ketiga kami duai hubby ngena bas agik, laban tetemu ke bas dulu ari teksi. Again, ari jalai Hang Lekiu, (bisi kawan diau diak, jadi pulai jalai ari tempat iya), but this time bisi kawan enggau kami, one of our team but she work and stay di KL. Iya duduk di depan kami. Maya ka mayar tiket, penjual tiket nya nanya, ka kini? Kawan kami nya pun nyaut lah, Corus Hotel. Mungkin penjual tiketnya pekak kali, besai gak suara iya nganu kawan kami nya, he said.."jawablah! diam-diam je, bodoh ke?"... langsung niki darahku. Walaupun ukai aku ke kena anu, tapi as a malaysian, i am so sad with that situation. Enda iya nemu urang ke di anu iya nya graduate ari oversea.. tapi kawan kami nya just diau aja, enggai layan. Tapi aku ke ka ringat, malu gak meda urang menua diri macam nya. Aku dah mucau-mucau, udah ka aku kangau n ka ku anu urang nya, tapi hubby madah,"its okay dear.. don't say bad things to him, just speak blessing, when we speak bad thing, he will become worst, but when we speak blessing, the bad turn to good"..amai gak fikirku. And know what, dua-dua bas yang kami kena nya Metro Bas. Forget about that matter, lets enjoy the photos. Oh ya! aku nadai ngambik gambar maya ke Singapore ari nya, lupa aku laban segaut ke meeting hubby.
But i keep in my heart aja. Lord, forgive him! Lemai ari ketiga kami duai hubby ngena bas agik, laban tetemu ke bas dulu ari teksi. Again, ari jalai Hang Lekiu, (bisi kawan diau diak, jadi pulai jalai ari tempat iya), but this time bisi kawan enggau kami, one of our team but she work and stay di KL. Iya duduk di depan kami. Maya ka mayar tiket, penjual tiket nya nanya, ka kini? Kawan kami nya pun nyaut lah, Corus Hotel. Mungkin penjual tiketnya pekak kali, besai gak suara iya nganu kawan kami nya, he said.."jawablah! diam-diam je, bodoh ke?"... langsung niki darahku. Walaupun ukai aku ke kena anu, tapi as a malaysian, i am so sad with that situation. Enda iya nemu urang ke di anu iya nya graduate ari oversea.. tapi kawan kami nya just diau aja, enggai layan. Tapi aku ke ka ringat, malu gak meda urang menua diri macam nya. Aku dah mucau-mucau, udah ka aku kangau n ka ku anu urang nya, tapi hubby madah,"its okay dear.. don't say bad things to him, just speak blessing, when we speak bad thing, he will become worst, but when we speak blessing, the bad turn to good"..amai gak fikirku. And know what, dua-dua bas yang kami kena nya Metro Bas. Forget about that matter, lets enjoy the photos. Oh ya! aku nadai ngambik gambar maya ke Singapore ari nya, lupa aku laban segaut ke meeting hubby.
Thanks God for He allowed bad things happen, so i can learn to be a better person..
Thanks God for my hubby, he was my mentor and my friend..
Thanks God for my baby, my little angel..
Thanks God for everyone in my life..they coloured my life

Hmm...i have no idea what to write in my blog. This day, i was preparing myself physcally and mentally to step into the new life. Today, i am counting my day. Could it be tomorrow, next three days or in two week, i just can't wait! Yesterday, me and hubby spent almost four hours at Jusco's Baby Store. I guest we get all things done. Today, i can't feel my right fingers, it was numb. Hopefully it was normal for pregnant woman. Every evening, my hubby and me will take a walk around the apartment where we stayed. Walking is a good exercise for pregnant woman. What else i want to say?..hmmm..until next time..i don't have any idea of what to write now.
At last! I'm back to my beloved country and now i will enjoy my rest time. After traveled here and there, now is the time for me to stay st home and rest while waiting for the day..dig..dag..dig..dag. This week was an exhausting week for me, at last, my hubby allowed me to follow him to KL. Last monday, we take ferry from Tanjung Pinang and arrived at Stulang Laut, Johor at 11.30 am. After lunch, we take a bus to KL. It takes almost 4 hours before we reach Puduraya. Next day, my hubby went to the meeting at Corus hotel, 5 minutes walking from KLCC. And what did i do? i went to KLCC shopping..until my leg sakit! 4 days in KL, was quite boring for me, maybe because i cannot walk too much. I have to take care for my health. Friday evening we leaved KL and straight away went to Singapore because mu hubby have a a meeting at 10.00 am, huh! lelak mat...at 7 the meeting end and we went back to Johor where our holiday begin...and tonight, i will have a massage session...hehehe
Tengahari tok tang tetenguk ka makai KFC. Tapi, KFC dituk enda sama enggau KFC di tempat lain, di Malaysia enggau Singapore nyau ka sama, asai pun sama. Tapi di Indo, jauh mai asai iya lari. But, tenguk punya pasal, hubby mai ke KFC mamam...udahnya harga iya RM3-4 ringgit lebih mahal ari KFC di Malaysia. Enti harga ba Malaysia RM 7.00 udah ulih 2 manuk goreng, kentang putar, salad, ai enggau bun kan? Enti di indo, RM 12 baru jak bulih dua ayam goreng, nasi n ai aja.
This will be my most busy week. I have to get all jobs done before going back to Malaysia. My hubby will go to Kuala Lumpur for almost one week next monday because of work. I wish i can follow him. (^o^). Last sunday i met my boss and guess what he say?..Lis, next monday you can take your leave instead of 18th, so you can go with you hubby to Malaysia. Huuuhuhuhu...horeyyyyyy....but i have to rush and finish my work at the office. Now, new matter was, my hubby asked me to stay at Johor because if i follow him to KL, it will exhausting me. I say.."Hubby, i want to followlah". He just smile..i know what he mean. Hiyooooo!!!
Guys! i will going back to Malaysia, tanah airku next monday.
Guys! i will going back to Malaysia, tanah airku next monday.
On friday, we have an appointment with Kepala Desa at Desa Brakit, which was about 1.5 hours from my office. We make a surveyed to Desa Brakit last month and we found that there was a lots of parent that cannot afford to send their children to school. And our mission is to support the parent financially by giving a scholarship to their children so that they can continue their study. Most of the parents work as a fisherman with small income. They just depend on their small "sampan". I was driving for us from Tanjung Pinang to Brakit. All the way, we were entertained by the beauty of the beach. I was quite tired, but when i think about some people out there that need our help, it gives me courage. I pray that when my son grow up, he will be someone that can help many people in need.
At Desa Brakit, we met with 20 students that was entitled for our scholarship. I was so satisfied to saw their happy face when we told them that we will help them to study. I believe all my team was feel the same. I ever worked with a big and international company, but i never felt the happiness and satisfied as i feel now.
After all done, that was the time for us to have fun. We went to our friend's new bought beach. One of our friend just bought a land with beach which was about 45 minutes from Tanjung Pinang. My friend was plan to develop that land to become a family friendly beach. I found that land was exotic because of the small island near to that beach and we can just swim there because the water is not deep and that island was included in my friend's land. If i tell you how much they bought the land, you won't believe me..it was soooooooo cheap.. but sorry i can't tell the amount.I upload some photos for you to enjoy.
At Desa Brakit, we met with 20 students that was entitled for our scholarship. I was so satisfied to saw their happy face when we told them that we will help them to study. I believe all my team was feel the same. I ever worked with a big and international company, but i never felt the happiness and satisfied as i feel now.
After all done, that was the time for us to have fun. We went to our friend's new bought beach. One of our friend just bought a land with beach which was about 45 minutes from Tanjung Pinang. My friend was plan to develop that land to become a family friendly beach. I found that land was exotic because of the small island near to that beach and we can just swim there because the water is not deep and that island was included in my friend's land. If i tell you how much they bought the land, you won't believe me..it was soooooooo cheap.. but sorry i can't tell the amount.I upload some photos for you to enjoy.
My breakfast, pecel sayur. The ingredient was cucumber, taugeh, lontong and keropok.
The "sambal" was using kuah kacang and chilli. yummmyyyy...
The "sambal" was using kuah kacang and chilli. yummmyyyy...
The shell looks so white and fresh.
Yesterday i was chatting with my old friend, Jennica. It was funny when we talk about the past. One thing that make me laugh was when she ask.."how did you found Kathy". Actually before i meet them again in blog, there is a story besides.
Last two months, i was really wanted to eat "Bak Kut Teh", nyera, kok urang iban. During my tea time , i surfed the internet looking for "resepi bak kut teh" through the google search. Then there was this blog that have "bak kut teh" words. Happy-happy tek, aku bukalah that blog. Know who's blog i found first?...that was cokelatrawkz.blogspot.com.But what catch my attention was, she was using bahasa Iban in her blog. Nyau rindu aku ke jako iban...i always surfed blog with bahasa iban but i found her blog was interesting because at first when we opened her blog, bisi mata nyeling kitai..hahaha.. Dipendekkan cerita, i surfed the other blog that linked to her blog, that is where i found Jenn's blog. I surely remember Jennica, she was not much changed, agik lawa baka suba, cuma tembam mimit..hahaha..(anang ringat auk sis Jen, i still remember that you were very sensitive with the words "tembam") laban sis Jen tok suka jaga penampilan iya kemas n pretty ari suba and because she was quite close to me while we were at the same school and go to the same church..nyak pun nyau ka tiap minggu ke bilik aku mai aku pegi church...selalu aku belalai ari bala sida Jen maya udah ari sabtu..lembau mai pegi church suba. But because of their faith, i grow with a belief.
Thanks to The Lord and thanks to the technology!!
Last two months, i was really wanted to eat "Bak Kut Teh", nyera, kok urang iban. During my tea time , i surfed the internet looking for "resepi bak kut teh" through the google search. Then there was this blog that have "bak kut teh" words. Happy-happy tek, aku bukalah that blog. Know who's blog i found first?...that was cokelatrawkz.blogspot.com.But what catch my attention was, she was using bahasa Iban in her blog. Nyau rindu aku ke jako iban...i always surfed blog with bahasa iban but i found her blog was interesting because at first when we opened her blog, bisi mata nyeling kitai..hahaha.. Dipendekkan cerita, i surfed the other blog that linked to her blog, that is where i found Jenn's blog. I surely remember Jennica, she was not much changed, agik lawa baka suba, cuma tembam mimit..hahaha..(anang ringat auk sis Jen, i still remember that you were very sensitive with the words "tembam") laban sis Jen tok suka jaga penampilan iya kemas n pretty ari suba and because she was quite close to me while we were at the same school and go to the same church..nyak pun nyau ka tiap minggu ke bilik aku mai aku pegi church...selalu aku belalai ari bala sida Jen maya udah ari sabtu..lembau mai pegi church suba. But because of their faith, i grow with a belief.
Thanks to The Lord and thanks to the technology!!
A lots of pregnant woman will face this problem. The stretch mark will leave an ugly mark on tummy after give birth. I really thankful that i don't have this problem, hopefully this tips will help you because it work for me...
1. I will make sure that i drink at least 1.5 litre water per day. That will hydrate your skin and maintain elasticity. Drink a lots of water will also make your skin glow.
2. Every morning i will rub the moisturizer on my belly, sides and back. For me, i prefer the body cream(Macadamia nut & honeysuckle, i love the smell very much!) and vitamin A from Oriflame. Sometimes i use Zwitsal Baby Oil, i like it because of the less greasy.
3. Last and simple tips, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and make sure you take your vitamin that is given by doctor.
And not forget, enjoy your pregnancy!!!!
Time to get something for my baby...i have no idea of what should i buy. One of my best friend who was not only a friend but a sister to me said "No need to buy so much for newborn, i will buy for you..don't worry..complete! as i am the one who will have a baby". Hehehe..thanks a lot to Christina. I also got some baby's clothes and nice stroller from our friend here.
Don't have appetite to eat at all. Recognize this fruit? This was my lunch for today, but cannot take so much because of the high sugar contain.
Yum..yum..yum...yesterday i really wanted to eat rambutan but hubby strictly say "NO". Huhuhu..so today i replace with buah mata kucing..the taste is almost the same lah...puas hatiku!

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God.........
Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings,
They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house.
And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.
For with You is the fountain of life;
In Your light we see light.
(Psalm 36:7-9)
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